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How we can help?

Togheter we can help

is a volunteer team coordinated by a board member of the VCAC that evaluates, gather funds, and decides what qualified donee to support.

When the VCAC was created back in 2000, the primary purpose was to help communities in need. The biggest project the association has taken was to helped people in need after a natural disaster that happened in Venezuela after torrential rain cause mudslide that covers the entire city of Vargas, killing and displacing people from their homes and donating the Venezuelan Red Cross.

In August 2020, we started a campaign (Guantes y Mascaras) to collect money to provide personal protection equipment (PPE) for doctors and nurses working in public hospitals in Venezuela. During the campaign, the VCAC decided to work in partnership with Canada Global Response, and Since September 2020, we have been working with this qualified Donnie.

The VCAC redirects the efforts and continue to work with the Canadian Global Response, The Mustard Seed, The Calgary Food, and The Alzheimer Society of Calgary.

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