Volunteer program
The VCAC’s Volunteer program was created for the following reasons:
- Provide help to people in need
- Provide support to the events for non-for profits events
- Making a difference in our community with your active participation
- Putting in practice your skills and discovering new skills
- As a way for integration by connecting with other people in our community
- Earning volunteer hours which are counted as work experience in Canada.
Get Involved
The VCAC achieves all its goals through the help of volunteers. The volunteers are considered the association heart. We encourage the community to become part of the Venezuelan Canadian Association of Calgary volunteer group for the board of directors to continue with our purposes. In addition, we believe that a strong community is created through our volunteer efforts. Becoming a volunteer member with the VCAC provides the following benefits:
- Earning volunteer hours which are counted as work experience in Canada.
- As a way for integration by connecting with other people in our community.
- Provide help to people in need
- Provide support for non-for-profits events
- Putting in practice your skills and discovering new skills
- Making a difference in our community with your active participation